The Law of Giving and Receiving by Ernest Holmes:
Everything in Nature moves in circles. What goes out must come back. Unless the seed is sown it cannot bear fruit. There must be a planting time for every harvest. Who gives all receives all. Who refuses to give, limits the possibility of the greater good returning to him. Love and you will be loved. Extend joy and you will become more joyful. The ancient Talmud says, God will doubly guide the already guided, and Jesus, the great, said,“If you give, you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use in giving – large or small – it will be used to measure what is given back to you.” (Luke 6:38)
We do not give because God needs the gift but because the giving increases, broadens and deepens the life of the giver. Nor shall we give from the standpoint of duty. The Universe refuses to bargain with us. It already has given us everything it has. But it also has provided that the gift of life can be received in its fullness only as it flows through us to the fullness of others.
How wonderful is this exact balance which God and nature keep; how perfect is the law of Good and how glorious the opportunity to join with the Infinite Giver in the giving of the self to the joy of life.
(Taken from writings by Ernest Holmes)

Your gift is a major gift – regardless of the amount you leave in a will or in naming us as a beneficiary in your investments.
Benefit your beloved Center for Spiritual Living without lifting a financial finger! Leaving a Legacy extends your contributions beyond your lifetime.
Why Leave a Legacy?
Your generous support will keep the Center vital and alive. Just imagine if this Center for Spiritual Living didn’t exist. What a hole that would leave in so many people’s lives. It doesn’t have to happen. Your gift is a major gift – regardless of the amount you leave in a will or in naming us as a beneficiary in your investments.
Of all spiritual centers and churches, the Center for Spiritual Living is fundamentally wedded to the concept of abundance and prosperity. Won’t you see that philosophy carry on into being a supporter and sustainer of our Center through your Legacy Gift? Think of it as tithing beyond the collection plate. You’ve pre-paid and your commitment is powerful and perpetual.
What needs financial support at the Center? It’s easier to answer: What doesn’t!
- First, we in good and steady consciousness want a full-time spiritual leader.
- Second, there’s the building – which we own, but which is in disrepair.
- Third, we want to provide ongoing and challenging programming and guest speakers to enliven our congregation.
We have so many goals in mind to grow our community and inspire our congregation – your Legacy Giving will help us get there! You can be a catalyst in making the Center a transformational haven for generations to come.
How to Leave a Legacy? Think of some big buckets of Legacy Giving, broken down simply into:
- Bequests
- Naming the Center as a Beneficiary
- Naming the Center as a Recipient of a ‘qualified plan’.
Any or all of these approaches can be seen as “leaving a legacy.” Just as you donate and tithe while you are active in the community, your leaving a legacy will make an impact in the future.
Specific How-To’s
- Bequest in your Will or Trust
The Center can be named as a beneficiary in your will or trust in several ways: as a percentage of your estate, a specific dollar amount, real estate, artwork, specific stocks or securities, etc. Just talk with your attorney when you create or change your will. - Beneficiary Designation
There are many investment vehicles and insurance products that have designated beneficiaries. Most of these products are designed to pay out the accumulated value of the policy or account to the designated beneficiaries. The Center for Spiritual Living, Las Cruces can be named as a beneficiary on all types of insurance products, such as term or whole life policies, tax deferred or immediate annuities, etc. Talk with the administrator of any of these products that you own. - Retirement Plans (IRAs, 401Ks, 403Bs, TSAs, etc.)
All retirement plans fall under the category of “qualified plans.” There are some important rules that must be followed pertaining to the distribution of money from these plans. In some cases, it may be advantageous to name a charity, such as our Center, as part or whole beneficiary, in that the charity is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Speak with the administrator of your plan,
The Nitty Gritty on Setting Up these Instruments
Feel Good About Giving! And know that we can help you. Quarterly Seminars will be given at the Center and simultaneously on line so that you can do the practical thing and put the Center in your Legacy plans.
Legacy of Faith
Rest assured, no matter how big or small, your Intentional Gift means the world to our Center. We would like to acknowledge your big impact if you will let us. Once you tell us that the Center is in your will or is a named beneficiary of your qualified plan or financial instrument, you may become a member of the Legacy of Faith. See the notice form below.
Legacy of Faith members are those who have fully embraced and demonstrated a giving consciousness through setting up legacy giving. Their names will be added to the Faith Wall in the main Sanctuary and they will enjoy a ”giving and growing dinner” once a year where the minister, the practitioners and the donors may share their visions for a powerful future for the Center.
The Legacy of Faith is so named for two reasons:
Obviously, giving in this manner implies a trust-faith-that your Legacy Giving provision will facilitate a prosperous future for the Center of Spiritual Living, guided by the minister, the practitioners and the Board of Trustees with input by all members.
Faith Brown was once a very active member of the Center for Spiritual Living, a driving force on the Board of Trustees and a major giver of time, effort and money. The Legacy of Faith seemed a fitting legacy in her memory.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Federal ID# 85-0288124. Please consult with your financial and/or tax advisor and legal counsel regarding tax benefits for charitable giving. We do not give tax advice.

Give in Joy
If money is all you have to give,
Give it as free as the sun.
But greater than gold Is the knowledge you hold
That all of Earth's people are one.
Give from your spiritual warehouse,
The power freely given to you.
Carry the message that man never dies,
He hungers to know that it's true.
Give as the rose gives her beauty,
No respecter of persons is she.
Give as God gave us life,
Rich, abundant and free.
Whatever you have you must share it
For it's a joy and a blessing to give,
And deep in the heart of the giver
Is a person who's learned how to live!
Geneva Collins