10 Reasons to Join Us
10. You are looking for Spirituality, not religion.
9. You dig Buddha, Jesus, the Dalai Lama, Einstein, Emerson, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Mother Teresa, Lady Gaga and many more.
8. You are done with superstition and dogma.
7. You love our planet and all its diversity.
6. You are ready to create a life you want.
5. You want to be part of a Loving Community.
4. You sense there is a power in your mind, and you want to learn to use it.
3. You know you are unique and would like to learn more.
2. You want to be a part of a movement for good that works for everyone.
1. You are ready to gain mastery over your own life.
Requirements to join:
- A desire to be a part of our dynamic spiritual community.
- Take the New Member Orientation (about an hour-long class with the minister)
- Fill out the New Member Application
- You will then be invited to participate in a New Member Ceremony during a Sunday Celebration (when we are meeting in person again.)
New Member Orientation
This “class” reviews our vision and mission for Las Cruces’ CSL, and informs you about how our board works, and the main structures of our organization. During this orientation you will get to know the minister and s/he will get the opportunity to get to know you. The orientation also provides the opportunity to ask questions and to see if this community is a good fit for you. We are a tithing community as we believe in the value of being in the flow of Spirit as we give 10% of what we receive back to where we get our spiritual food. A commitment to the spiritual practice of tithing is highly recommended, but not a requirement for membership.
New Member Application
New Member Orientation. Third Sunday of each month at 1 pm. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a member of the Center.