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The Center for Spiritual Living Las Cruces tithes 10% of all donation, tithes and offerings given to us, as we believe being in the flow of Spirit is for our greater good. See our page on community support and donations for who our tithe recipient is this month.

We appreciate all tithes, offerings and donations that come our way. We know that God is our source, and when God chooses to give through you, we are so very grateful. Your donations support our operations, our staff, upkeep of the building, and all of the programing we are able to provide through the great works of our staff and volunteers, minister and practitioners, as well as guests. We bring a unique experience of Spirit and the New Thought principles to our Las Cruces community as we help people improve their own lives while joining together to improve the lives of our Las Cruces community as we work toward that world that works for everyone.

“Ernest Holmes explained the concept of tithing very succinctly when he wrote, ‘Everything in nature moves in circles. What goes out must come back. Unless the seed is sown it cannot bear fruit, there must be planting time for every harvest. Who gives all, receives all. Who refuses to give, limits the possibility of the greater Good returning to him. The seed that is planted must correspond to that which we desire in our experience. If we want more money, we must give more money; if we desire more time, we must tithe more time; if we want more love, we must love more.’” - Tithing is a GOOD Thing December 2016 Blog By Rev. Dr. Marilyn Leo Founder, Board Member and Chair of the Board of Governors Science of Mind Archives & Library Foundation

At our Center we are in the flow of giving what we can and what we want more of…. Time, money, and most especially Love! Thank you again for your donation, we will use it wisely and tithe 10% back into the flow. Your donation makes a difference.



Center for Spiritual Living
575 N. Main St., Las Cruces NM 88001


Sunday Celebration Services
Our services can also be seen on our Center for Spiritual Living Las Cruces, New Mexico YouTube Channel

Service & Music 11:00 AM -12:00 PM

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